This is an incredible opportunity, and is well worth the time and money to be there. If you go, you will have the chance to learn first-hand from professionals in the field. These men and women know what it's like to be in our shoes, and have excellent advice for students today. Also, this is a great chance to brush up on your networking skills -use this time to introduce yourself to the speakers and to your fellow COM peers!
Here are all of the details about the big day and how to register:
WHEN: February 28th, from 9-5 p.m.
PRSSA Member Registration Fee - $5
Non-member Registration Fee - $10
Luncheon - $15 in addition to registration
Registration and Speakers - Rawls
Luncheon - Dauch Alumni Center
Career Fair - Dauch Alumni Center
COMPANIES: Eli Lilly, Ketchum, Indianapolis Colts,
Verizon Wireless Music Center, Indiana St. Fair,
Bradley & Montgomery
1. Go to the PRSSA website http://web.ics.purdue.edu/~prssa/
2. Click on the COM DAY icon
3. Download the form and fill it out
4. Mail, or hand both the form and money in to the COM office