COM Day 2009 is coming soon, and you don't want to miss it!
This is an incredible opportunity, and is well worth the time and money to be there. If you go, you will have the chance to learn first-hand from professionals in the field. These men and women know what it's like to be in our shoes, and have excellent advice for students today. Also, this is a great chance to brush up on your networking skills -use this time to introduce yourself to the speakers and to your fellow COM peers!
Here are all of the details about the big day and how to register:
WHEN: February 28th, from 9-5 p.m.
PRSSA Member Registration Fee - $5
Non-member Registration Fee - $10
Luncheon - $15 in addition to registration
Registration and Speakers - Rawls
Luncheon - Dauch Alumni Center
Career Fair - Dauch Alumni Center
COMPANIES: Eli Lilly, Ketchum, Indianapolis Colts,
Verizon Wireless Music Center, Indiana St. Fair,
Bradley & Montgomery
1. Go to the PRSSA website
http://web.ics.purdue.edu/~prssa/2. Click on the COM DAY icon
3. Download the form and fill it out
4. Mail, or hand both the form and money in to the COM office